SGJ #6: Dou Shou Qi
A downloadable game for Windows
Created for The Sunday Game Jam #6
Starting the month of LÖVE, an implementation of a traditional Chinese game, Dou Shou Qi
Also known as Jungle, Jungle Chess, Safari Chess and other names, the objective in Dou Shou Qi is to conquer your opponent's den.
Link for the YouTube video:
GitHub page:
For the purposes of "game jam documentation", I'm mentioning that the instructions were not implemented on the first version.
I discovered Dou Shou Qi with the board made by "Mitra Officina de Criação", and the drawings in this game were based (pretty much copied) on their version of Dou Shou Qi. You can take a look at their board here:
Hit me up if you have any troubles executing the game :)
Also hit me up if you know how to make a web build of a LÖVE game XP
The Sunday Game Jam is a show where I make a game every weekend, from saturday to sunday, in 24 hours. I'm making these as my own spin on the 100 days of code, and I'll be using various engines and tools to make the games, and art/animations/music when required. The focus here is to learn and test ideas, and to have fun! :)
As a programmer, my general focus is on mechanics, not art nor music, but there will be games where I'll challenge myself to make better-looking drawings and music.
Click download now to get access to the following files:
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